Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial for everyone. From headaches, back pain, and neck pain to dysfunction with your sleep patterns and digestion, we can help! We also help with pain or dysfunction of the extremities including TMJ, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot! During an adjustment, Dr. Emily will apply a controlled, sudden force to a joint in the spine or extremity. After adjusting the joint, pressure and discomfort will be relieved and communication between your brain and body will be restored. If you struggle with TMJ, Migraines, or Numbness and Tingling in the arms or legs, we can also help alleviate those symptoms. Our goal with Chiropractic adjustments is to find the root cause of your pain or dysfunction, improve motion in the body, and turn your body’s power back on!